Holliston Lions Service Projects

Veterans Day Luncheon

We help staff a luncheon after the annual parade which involves setting up the hall, staffing the meal and cleaning up afterwards. This is one of our best-attended events of the year in terms of Lions man hours. This is a great event and one that we are very proud to continue supporting.

Highway Cleanup

As part of our commitment to the environment, the Holliston Lions Club begins working in the spring to clean up the roadway. We have been doing this project for a number of years and it continues to draw Lions.

Our commitment is to keeping debris cleaned up as part of the Adopt-A-Highway program. The Lions “roadway” stretches is located on Route 16 from Summer Street to what we in Holliston affectionately call the Bazel’s Plaza.


The Lend-a-Lion program is committed to helping our neighbors in need. We put together a crew (often on short notice) to help members of the Holliston community who are unable to do tasks such as cleaning up debris after a storm, shoveling snow, and in some cases putting up holiday lights. This program serves members of the community who are aged, disabled or unable to do things for themselves due to an illness. If you know someone in the community who could benefit from this program, you are encouraged to reach out to the team via email at lendalion@hollistonmalions.org or fill out our contact form to obtain additional information.

Holliston Senior Luncheon

For many years, the Holliston Lions Club has been hosting a senior luncheon at the Holliston Senior Center. Typically, this event is held the Sunday the week following graduation services at Holliston High School.  During the 2020 Lions year we started including Holliston’s Veterans in this event.

Lions band together to provide a hearty meal, a fun environment and a good time is had by all. You can learn more about this event from the Holliston Senior Center.

Eyeglass Collections

Did you know that your old eyeglasses can help someone else see? The Holliston Lions Club regularly collects old eyeglasses and donates them to others in need. The facility we donate the glasses to runs the prescription on them and then takes those glasses on missions with them around the world where your glasses can help someone who might not otherwise have access to proper eyewear see. Your donation of used eyeglasses (both prescription and non-prescription) can improve another person’s quality of life. Glasses may be dropped off at the Holliston Senior Center, Holliston Town Hall, Holliston Library, Holliston Post Office, Holliston Vision Center, or at Middlesex Savings Bank.